Specialist Marine Fasteners Ltd T/A Bon Precision Engineering Ltd, is registered in England and Wales, under company number 11850572.

The business is a manufacturer and supplier of precision engineered components , turned parts and fasteners. We are committed to protecting the privacy and security customer data according to UK law.

Specialist Marine Fasteners Ltd T/A Bon Precision Engineering Ltd, will store and use certain information about individuals and companies. We do this to fulfil orders and customer expectations in order to conduct normal business operations.

In order for Specialist Marine Fasteners Ltd T/A Bon Precision Engineering to fulfil our obligations to customers, we may use the following lawful basis for holding personal data:

  • Contractual Obligations: To fulfil orders, communicate order details and advise of order information.
  • Consent: We don’t currently use direct marketing and will always ask your consent before sending marketing information.

Specialist Marine Fasteners Ltd T/A Bon Precision Engineering will not collect any personal information other than that which is required to complete a business contract.
