The use of clevis pins in sailing boats
Clevis pins are versatile fasteners which are used in a variety of applications, across industries as diverse and construction, agriculture and marine.
We’ve supplied clevis pins to the marine industry and to sailing enthusiasts who understand the importance of using high-quality, non-corrosive components in a harsh salt-water environment.
Clevis pins have many uses, but most commonly they are used in tandem with cotter pins to help keep the spar upright, the engine in gear and keep the vessel on a straight course.
Clevis pins are designed to support significant loads —which makes it crucial that the correct size and material are considered when choosing your pin.
A good sailor will never employ a fastener that isn’t up to the job. Many fasteners are not designed to support the moving loads of a spar, steering system or connections to a tiller arm. Clevis pins should always be used whenever two surfaces bear down directly on the connecting load.
We recommend only using marine grade stainless steel A4 (316) clevis pins for increased resistance to corrosion.